The People’s Budget Debate
Tuesday, Sept 26, 2023 | 6:00 PM
PB CLE Steering Committee members Aleena Starks of Ohio Working Families Party and Jonathan Welle of Cleveland Owns will be debating Councilmember Kris Harsh and South Euclid resident Jerry J. Primm II at Public Auditorium. Entrance will be free and seating will be first-come-first-served. Doors will open at 5:30pm before the debate starts at 6pm.
Monday, January 9, 2023 | 6:00 PM
75+ residents and community organizers of the PB CLE coalition gathered at City Hall to call for a People's Budget, where residents have real power to make real decisions about public spending in their neighborhoods. PB CLE’s action and press conference took place on the night that $5.5 million legislation to pilot PB in Cleveland was introduced to City Council by Mayor Bibb and 4 women on City Council.
Happy Dog Takes on Participatory Budgeting CLE
Wednesday, Nov 2, 2022 | 7:30PM
Erika Anthony, Executive Director of Cleveland VOTES, moderated the panel. Joining the conversation is Councilmember Stephanie Howse, PB CLE's very own Community Organizer Michelle B. Jackson, and our friend Kenny Medrano, the Former Director of Participatory Budgeting of District 26, NYC). Kenny recently helped run the PB process in Grand Rapids, MI, where Grand Rapids residents voted on how to spend $3 million of ARPA funding.
Wednesday, July 7, 2022 | 3:30 PM
PB CLE joined neighbors at the Friendly Inn with Project Save for another PB in Action event! In partnership with Project Save, join us for a community meal and participatory budgeting simulation to learn more about participatory budgeting and to get looped into our campaign to advocate for PB in Cleveland!
Friday, June 17, 2022 | 4:00PM
PB in Action event at 6500 Hough Ave! In partnership with Midtown Cleveland, join us for a community BBQ and to learn more about participatory budgeting and join our campaign to advocate for starting a PB process here in Cleveland!
Thursday March 10, 2022 | 5:30PM
As the PB CLE coalition continues to build political support on Cleveland City Council and work with the Bibb administration to set the stage for a PB process, we need the greatest asset PB CLE has - its people - to build support for a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to build a framework where residents get to decide how our shared dollars are spent.
On Thursday, March 10, the PB CLE coalition and residents across Cleveland gathered to learn more about Participatory Budgeting and to imagine what PB could look like in your neighborhood.
Saturday, October 23, 2021 | 2:00PM
On Saturday, October 23, Cleveland residents gathered to celebrate democracy and envision a Cleveland where Participatory Budgeting is a reality.
People brainstormed ideas ranging from free public restrooms, restorative justice models, to housing cooperatives, and attendees voted on ideas at the end of the event to simulate PB in action. PB CLE is working to generate grassroots momentum to advocate for a real Participatory Budgeting process in Cleveland to increase resident decision-making in the allocation of the American Rescue Plan Act funding, and in every budget cycle moving forward.